Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Preferences Dialog

Used to set user preferences — settings that control how Bentley Map operates. Opens when Workspace > Preferences is chosen. Select the Bentley Map item in the Category list box.

Fence Command Confirm If on, allows cancellation of the command whenever a single element command automatically converts to a fence command.
Graphic Cell Override When on, graphic cells take on the attributes of the features that are assigned to them. The default is off.

This setting applies to display only.

Disable Compress When on, disables the Bentley Map COMPRESS command.
Append to DataSet Decides whether each review should initialize a dataset (clear the existing query results) or append to the existing dataset. If on, review will be appended to the dataset.
Enable Project Node in Map Manager Enables the Project node on the Map tab of the Map Manager. For more information, refer to the Map tab section of the chapter.
Locate Zoom Used by the LOCATE command to size the located element into the designated view.
Facetize If on, applies a facetizing algorithm to Bentley Map FENCE commands.
Log Output Logs Bentley Map error messages to an output file.
Log File Name Used to key in the name of the file to which Bentley Map error messages will be logged.